M.E.S.H Portfolio

Explore the transformation in our M.E.S.H Portfolio, showcasing striking before-and-after comparisons of our website redesigns, highlighting enhanced aesthetics, functionality, and user experience.

UX/UI Web Development & Design

The redesign of Miami Edison Senior High’s website was a transformative project aimed at elevating the school’s online presence. This initiative was special as it uniquely involved student participation, allowing them to voice their opinions on what features and designs would best represent their school. Through thorough research, we identified key areas for improvement and crafted a new, streamlined site map. The information architecture was restructured to simplify navigation, making essential information easily accessible. We developed wireframes and prototypes, incorporating feedback to ensure usability and satisfaction. The visual design embraced a clean, modern aesthetic, utilizing high-quality images and a professional look. The content strategy highlighted the school’s strengths, achievements, and the benefits of transitioning to a paperless system.  The result is a sleek, user-friendly website that significantly enhances Miami Edison Senior High’s image, engaging users with its professional appeal and intuitive design.

Project summary :

This project began with Discovery and Research, conducting stakeholder interviews to align with Miami Edison Senior High’s vision, analyzing user feedback, and studying top university sites for best practices. In the Information Architecture phase, we developed a streamlined site map focused on user needs. Wireframing and Prototyping followed, creating and testing new layouts. The Visual Design phase brought a clean, professional interface using the school’s branding. Our Content Strategy highlighted the school’s strengths and transition to a paperless system. In Development and Testing, we ensured responsive design and resolved issues. Finally, the Launch and Post-Launch phase included a strategic rollout and continuous improvements based on feedback and analytics.

This project was exceptional because it not only transformed the school's online presence but also empowered the students to collaborate and shape the website's design and features.

Client Details

Revamped Miami Edison High's website, engaging students for input. Created a sleek, user-friendly site to enhance prestige and support rebranding.

Service Provided

Redesigned website with new site map, clean visuals, responsive design, and strategic content to elevate Miami Edison High's online presence.

Project timeline

Completed initial redesign in 2 weeks; project is ongoing with continuous improvements based on user feedback and analytics.

Case Studies

Dive into our case study podcast offering valuable insights and professional development lessons for your professional growth journey. 

Additional Projects

A diverse portfolio showcasing strategic rebrands, innovative music projects, and dynamic artist growth.

Home Page Transformation

Untitled design (7)Untitled design (10)

Principal's Message Transformation

Untitled design (2) (2)Untitled design (1) (3)

Home Page Transformation

Untitled design (7)Untitled design (10)

Principal's Message Transformation

Untitled design (2) (2)Untitled design (1) (3)

Contact Us Transformation

Untitled design (5)Untitled design (3) (1)

Faculty Transformation Part One

Untitled design (2) (3)Untitled design (1) (4)

Contact Us Transformation

Untitled design (5)Untitled design (3) (1)

Faculty Transformation Part One

Untitled design (2) (3)Untitled design (1) (4)

Faculty Transformation Part Two

Untitled design (2) (3)updated

School Profile Transformation

Untitled design (1) (6)Untitled design (2) (5)

Student Support Transformation

Untitled design (1) (7)Untitled design (2) (6)

Faculty Transformation Part Two

Untitled design (2) (3)updated